ForgeRock Professional Services and Enterprise Partner
iFathom is a Certified Delivery Partner (CDP) of ForgeRock software and services.
With secure access experiences, identity-driven fraud mitigation, privacy and consent mechanisms and compliance, and more, ForgeRock helps you protect both your customers and your organization.
iFathom is a Licence Reseller and Integrator for the ForgeRock platform:
Integrator: iFathom is a trusted provider of identity and access management services. Customers can engage iFathom for the provision of professional or managed services.
Licence Reseller: As a ForgeRock CDP, iFathom is authorized to resell ForgeRock’s full suite of software and services (inclusive of professional and training services).

iFathom Accelerators
Service-Level Approach to Security: Strategies that enable on-boarding of additional applications/services by leveraging the processes, certification and accreditation established for initial service(s)
Identity-as-a-service (IdAAS) consists of a robust access and identity management suite that leverages an amalgam of identity providers. iFathom’s IdAAS allows for the decoupling of security / privacy and application development when new digital services are created i.e., one IdAAS for multiple digital services as opposed to building new security / privacy services into each one.
Whether you need to hire a ForgeRock architect or developer to augment your current team, contract subject matter ForgeRock expert to help with a certain aspect of your project such as analysis, custom design, code development, project management and/or quality assurance, or looking for a complete end-to-end solution to be delivered, we can meet your needs