iFathom’s Core Values

January 17, 2022

How has iFathom had so much success serving clients and contractors over the past 12 months? The secret formula involves the way we treat our consultants, clients, and team members.

What is this secret formula, you ask? 

Our five core values. 

Each and every member of the iFathom team learns about these values when they’re onboarded. 

However, unlike most companies, these values don’t simply disappear into the corporate ether once orientation is finished.

iFathom’s five core values and why they set us apart:

1) Make a Positive Impact

We recognize that opportunities don’t happen, you must create them. This mindset helps guide our recruiters in their quest to place I.T. contractors in positions where they can thrive.

2) Be a Team Player

Athletes are told by coaches to “play for the crest on the front, not for the name on the back”. Our team members understand they represent iFathom in everything they do. This includes the time they spend outside of the office. We are proud to be stewards of the communities we operate in. 

3) Take Ownership

Each team member is encouraged to work with a unique mindset: “play the game as if you own the team.” This mentality forms the foundation of who we are, guiding each of the decisions we make on a daily basis.

4) Never Stop Learning

It goes without saying that the pursuit of knowledge is never finished. Yet, this is remarkably easy to forget. We do whatever it takes to ensure our team members are constantly learning about the industry. 

5) Operate with Integrity

Perhaps more than any other value, this truly defines the spirit of iFathom. Integrity is at the core of everything we do, including our hiring practices. We’re not interested in working with those who aren’t interested in doing what’s right, even when no one is looking.

These core values represent the foundation of iFathom’s culture. However, their influence isn’t limited to our internal team members. 

Each value extends to the I.T. consultants we work with. The same can be said for the companies we find suitable talent for.  

Be sure to reach out if:

  • You’re looking to join a great team
  • You’re an I.T. professional looking for a new challenge
  • You’re a business operator on the lookout for premium I.T. talent